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Increasing Mission Effectiveness Through Partnership

  • By Vision Synergy


Increasing Mission Effectiveness Through Partnership is a new article from visionSynergy CEO, Kärin Primuth.

The article was just published in eXcelerate Magazine, produced by Missio Nexus – an umbrella association of nearly 200 North American mission agencies and churches which have collectively deployed 35,000 evangelical missionaries around the world.

In the article, Kärin recounts her first time attending the North American Mission Leaders Conference hosted by Missio Nexus:

As a new mission executive, I had the unique opportunity to sit with many seasoned leaders and ask a lot of questions. One of the things that stood out to me in these conversations was how many mission executives articulated similar organizational priorities, yet had limited, if any, intentional partnering initiatives. … The more I listened, the more convinced I became that collaboration is now essential for good stewardship of limited Kingdom resources in our increasingly interconnected world.

Kärin goes on in the article to highlight different ways that major mission organizations have partnered together in the past few years. She concludes:

When we set our eyes on building the Kingdom of God, rather than building our own organizations, we will discover that we have so much to gain from partnering with one another.


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